Two students sitting with laptops and talking in front of windows

Colleges and Schools

由卡内基高等教育机构分类指定为研究型博士大学, 大学的13个学位授予学院为21个以上的学生提供服务,在校本科生、研究生近000人,博士生300余人, master’s and baccalaureate level programs.

College of the Arts


The College of the Arts is a dynamic and versatile learning institution comprising the Cali School of Music, the School of Communication and Media, the Department of Art and Design, and the Department of Theatre and Dance. 学生在高科技和专业设施的创意领域进行广泛的学习,与杰出的教师和著名的访问专家和艺术家一起工作. Whether Film, Acting, Music, Installation, 3D, or Dance, 学生和专业人员的作品可以在学院的专业场地展示, including the state-of-the-art Alexander Kasser Theater and a 4K Presentation Hall.

College for Community Health

The College for Community Health at Montclair State University is committed to improving physical, social, and emotional health outcomes, emphasizing equity, justice, and inclusivity through excellence in teaching, research, and service.
我们的目标是培养未来几代的专业人士和研究人员,他们将提高所有人的健康和福祉, their environments, and their communities.

College for Education and Engaged Learning

The College for Education and Engaged Learning 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学致力于培养有抱负的教师, administrators, counselors, and other education professionals for success. 以承诺促进公平和拥抱创新为基础, 该学院在该领域提供卓越的课程方面有着丰富的历史. 我们的毕业生准备在他们的职业生涯中推动积极的变化, 适应不断发展的教育问题和实践.

College of Humanities and Social Sciences


A College of Humanities and Social Sciences 教育提供超过50个专业,辅修和集中,从 Anthropology to Speech-Language Pathology. 教师由专家组成,他们鼓励学生创造性地思考, analyze information and develop their ability to problem-solve. By learning about modern society and its influences, 培养学生对自己作为世界公民的地位和责任的批判性理解.

College of Science and Mathematics


At the College of Science and Mathematics, 学生们在课堂上从事科学和数学发现, 在实验室和实地通过各种以发现为基础的课程和研究机会. 学生们和他们的导师一起在师生研究项目中工作,范围从学习 Marine Biology to Applied Mathematical and Computational Modeling or Sustainability Science. We provide an affordable, 世界一流的教育,使学生成为下一代获奖科学家, mathematicians and educators.

Feliciano School of Business

费利西亚诺商学院(Feliciano School of Business)的学生正在用双显示器分析股票.

From a minor in Economics to a bachelor in Accounting – the Feliciano School of Business 准备学生在进入专业工作队伍时脱颖而出. 我们的专家教师培养严谨的学术研究与环境相结合 top tier internships providing students a competitive edge after graduation. 学生从我们的课程中脱颖而出,准备好转变为明天的商业领袖.

John J. Cali School of Music

Piano on lit stage at John J Cali School of Music, Leshowitz Hall.

The John J. Cali School of Music provides talented musicians, regardless of economic status, 有宝贵的机会,磨练和发展自己的技能,在世界一流的表演学院. Our passionate, expert faculty 由著名的音乐家和学者组成,他们挑战和激励学生探索他们作为音乐家的潜力,同时攻读美国音乐学院提供的众多学位之一 performance, jazz, music education, composition, or music therapy.

School of Communication and Media


传播与媒体学院(SCM)提供一系列动态的电影和电视课程, social media and public relations, advertising, journalism and digital media, sports communication, communication and media studies, animation and visual effects, and an MA devoted to strategic communication.

SCM houses award-winning student programs including The Montclarion newspaper, WMSC RadioHawk Communications Agency, the Red Hawk Sports NetworkHawk+ OTT streaming platform, and News Lab, as well as the Center for Cooperative Media该机构致力于发展和加强地方新闻业,为公众服务. 我们最近获得了全国认可,从PRSSA的贝特曼竞赛, an Edward R Murrow Award, several Marconi Award nominations, 以及电视艺术学院颁发的大学电视奖 & Sciences.

School of Computing

Computer science faculty members posing with rack of servers.

The School of Computing 提供计算机领域的本科和研究生学位. At the undergraduate level it offers degrees in Computer Science, Information Technology, Data Science and Applied Mathematics and Statistics. At the graduate level if offers degrees in Computer Science, Information Technology, Data Science, Cybersecurity, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics. 许多5年的联合学位也提供,允许学生在不同的计算机领域的本科研究领域与研究生研究领域相结合.

School of Nursing

Photo of male nurse.

The demand for highly skilled nurses is growing – and the School of Nursing’s undergraduate and graduate programs are ready.

There are two pathways to obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree: a comprehensive four-year, pre-licensure BSN program, and an RN to BSN 针对已经持有新泽西执照的注册护士的项目.

There are two pathways to obtaining a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree: a post BSN program, and an RN to MSN Bridge 为持有非护理学科学士学位的注册护士开设的课程. MSN学位课程的学生选择专攻护理教育, nursing administration, or clinical research.

The Graduate School

Students from the Graduate School laughing in classroom.

With over one hundred areas of study and seven doctoral programs, The Graduate School 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学为来自不同背景的合格学生提供在他们指定的兴趣领域攻读高级学位的机会. 研究生院及其教职员工致力于为来自不同背景的合格学生提供项目和服务. No matter what their chosen field of study, 研究生院将是一个基地,支持学生从潜在申请人到毕业的旅程.

University College

Group of students studying together around table.

Not every student enters college with a road map for graduation. 为了引导学生走上正确的道路,十大博彩推荐排名州立大学推出了 University College, 为学生提供一个创新的学术之家,在那里他们可以追求将启动学术和职业成功的兴趣. Innovative discovery programs, guided academic experiences, close attention to appropriate course enrollments, 专门为大学学院学生设计的各种特别活动, 以及一个由大学学院同学组成的热情社区,将帮助学生顺利度过大学的早期生活.

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